Ectopic Pregnancy Pregnancy that occurs OUTSIDE THE UTERUS is known as ectopic pregnancy. It is important to identify this condition at the earliest so as to prevent the possible complications . In order to understand this subject we take these 3 issues: Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy How it is diagnosed How it may be treated…

Diabetes During Pregnancy When blood sugar level is persistently high in a patient, the person is said to be having diabetes. A diabetic woman in pregnancy needs special attention. Some women are found to be diabetic during pregnancy. This is called as Gestational diabetes. Both pre-pregnancy diabetes and diabetes occurring during pregnancy have peculiar problems…

Dilatation and Curettage (D&C) & Suction Evacuation Welcome to the guide to understanding D&C. So, what exactly is D&C? Though most women have heard of the term D&C they are not really aware of what exactly it means. D&C in common parlance is also known as curetting, cleaning of uterus. The actual full form of…

BREECH POSITION OF BABY Generally during birth, the baby comes with it’s head ahead and later the body comes out. Close to the delivery date when it is found out that the baby’s head is not in its position and it is THE BABY”S BUTTOCKS that is occupying the position below, it is called as…